好消息!現凡以 Mastercard® 在 GRWTH 廣場*內消費滿指定金額,即可領取及使用相應優惠劵。
- 消費滿港幣 $200 即減港幣 $20
- 消費滿港幣 $500 即減港幣 $50
- 消費滿港幣 $1,000 即減港幣 $100
第2步:點選左上角「GRWTH Pay」
第4步:輸入優惠碼:DMC2220 / DMC2250 / DMC22100(英文字母須全部大楷)
1. 推廣期:由 2022 年 7 月 1 日起至 2023 年 1 月 31 日止。
2. 於系統輸入兌換碼換領優惠劵,並使用 Mastercard® 於 GRWTH 手機應用程式的「 GRWTH 廣場」內消費滿指定金額,即可使用優惠劵。(消費滿港幣 $200 即減港幣 $20 / 消費滿港幣 $500 即減港幣 $50 / 消費滿港幣 $1,000 即減港幣 $100)。
3. 如欲使用上述優惠券,持卡人必須通過 GRWTH Pay 進行消費,優惠券所對應的金額會於賬單內即時扣除。
4. 所有優惠券於領取日起計 30 天內有效。
5. 所有優惠券將會於到期日後自動失效。
6. 持卡人須以 Mastercard® 繳付該合資格交易方可使用優惠劵。
7. 如欲使用優惠券,用戶必須在付款時自行選擇使用相關優惠券,任何已完成的交易均不能刪改,優惠劵不設補發或補領。
8. 優惠券以用戶賬號計算,每個賬戶只可獲取上述優惠一次。
9. 每項合資格交易只能使用優惠券一張。
10. 以上所有優惠均數量有限,額滿即止,恕不另行通知。
11. 優惠券只適用於 GRWTH 手機應用程式內的「 GRWTH 社區」模組。
12. 優惠券不可兌換現金或服務、其他商品或折扣,亦不能與其他折扣優惠一併使用。如需退貨或退款,優惠券所對應的金額將不獲退還。
13. 已獲得之優惠券不可轉換至其他賬戶內。
14. GRWTH Limited 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 對商戶提供之產品、服務質素及供應量不負任何責任。
15. GRWTH Limited 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 保留隨時更改或終止優惠,以及隨時修訂本條款及細則之權利而不就任何更改或終止承擔任何責任。
16. 如有任何爭議,GRWTH Limited 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 將保留一切更改或取消交易的最終決定權。
17. 優惠期中如有任何舞弊及/或欺詐 (由 GRWTH Limited 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 全權酌情決定),GRWTH Limited 及Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 保留權利直接扣除有關人士在任何合資格卡戶口內任何不適當地獲得之獎賞的價值,而不作事先通知,及/或採取法律行動以追討有關金額。
18. 本條款及細則的中、英文版本如有任何歧義或不一致,一概以英文版本為準。
19. 如對本次活動有疑問,可電郵至 community@grwth.hk 查詢。
Terms and Conditions :
1. Promotion period: From July 1, 2022 until January 31, 2023.
2. To redeem the coupon by promo code; and order with Mastercard® under “GRWTH Plaza” in the GRWTH mobile app to enjoy discount if you spending the designated amount as follow: HK$20 off upon spending of HK$200 / HK$50 off upon spending of HK$500 / HK$100 off upon spending over HK$1,000.
3. Cardholder who has a valid GRWTH user account and successfully registers his/her eligible Mastercard® as a payment method during the Promotion Period is entitled to obtain this Offer.
4. Coupons will be expired in 30 days only.
5. All coupons will be forfeited automatically upon expiry.
6. Cardholders are required to settle payment for the Eligible Transaction with the Eligible Mastercard®.
7. To use the coupons obtained under this Offer, the cardholder has to indicate clearly his/her wish to redeem the coupons before settling payment by confirming the redemption in his/her Grwth Pay account. The coupon will not be extended, refunded nor re-issued for any settled payment.
8. Coupons are issued directly to the user account, and each user is only eligible to enjoy the above offer once.
9. Only one coupon can be used for each eligible transaction.
10. All Offers are subject to availability while stocks last. No prior out-of-stock notification will be given.
11. Coupons are only applicable to the products and services listed to the module of [GRWTH Community] in the Grwth mobile App.
12. The Offers above cannot be exchanged for cash, service, other products or discounts. The Offers are not transferable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts and promotional offers.
13. Coupons obtained cannot be transferred to other Grwth accounts.
14. Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited are not responsible for the quality and supply of products and services provided by schools/merchants.
15. Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and amend or terminate the offer at any time without prior notice. Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited do not assume any responsibility for consequences arising from any changes or terminations.
16. In the event of disputes, the decision of Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited shall be final and binding.
17. Any fraud and/or abuse of the Offers by any person (as determined by Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited at their sole discretion) will result in forfeiture of the person’s eligibility to the Offers. Grwth Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited reserve the right to deduct the value of any Offer redeemed inappropriately by a Cardholder directly from the Cardholder’s Eligible Mastercard® without prior notice and/or take legal action in such instances to recover any outstanding amounts.
18. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
19. For any enquiries, please email to community@grwth.hk for details.